Quick Pick: Sid the Squid and the Search for the Perfect Job by David G. Derrick, Jr.

Sid the Squid

Sid the Squid and the Search for the Perfect Job.

Author:  David G. Derrick, Jr.  Ages 4 – 8 (Easily enjoyed by children ages 2+). 36 pages.  Immedium.  September 2010.  ISBN-13: 978-1597020213. Fiction.

At a Glance:

Sid the Squid decides he would like a job… he just doesn’t know what kind of job he wants.  He meets a little girl who helps him try out several careers:  directing traffic, fighting fires, being a chef, actor, window washer, dog walker, pit crew, and working for the electric company.  Just as he is about to give up, he finds the perfect job working at the aquarium.

  • My son loves Sid the Squid and I love reading it to him.  We highly recommend this book.

What I Appreciate About this Book:

  • Fun and lively illustrations. (Illustrations invite my son to ask lots of questions.)
  • Engaging Story.
  • We’ve owned this book for over a year and still read it regularly.  (Does not sit and gather dust on our shelf.)
  • Found my son “reading” this book to himself today.  When I asked what he was reading he said, “Sid the Squid!  I love Sid the Squid!”
  • Introduces children to different careers.
  • Displays Sid trying after “failures.” (Big fan of teaching my son to try and try again.)

Our Experience Reading this Book:

About a month ago I asked my son what he wants to be when he grows up.  He’s three — I was just asking him to see what he would say.  He shocked me when he said that he wants to be chef.  I didn’t even know that he knew what a chef was.  When I asked him what does a chef do, he said that, “A chef is someone that cooks for people.” Right-O.  When I asked, “Where did you learn that?”  He said, “Oh, Sid the Squid.”  Sweet.  Who knows what he’ll want to be later, but I think a chef is a great first answer.  Thanks, Sid the Squid!  Funny enough, ever since he told me that he wants to be a chef, I’ve been inviting him to help me cook more and he’s been accepting more.  Today he cracked his first eggs and also helped make breakfast.  A book that has inspired my son to help me with the cooking is nothing but a win in our house.

Admittedly, the first time I read this book I thought it was good — but I didn’t think it would be one of our regularly read books.  How wrong I was!  You might not be blown away with it the first time you read it (it’s good, but a lot of picture books are good) but the staying power of this book has made me glad that I bought it.  The more I read this book to my three-year-old son the more I appreciate it.

Author/Illustrator Websites:

Some of Our Favorite Reviews of this Book:

Where Obtained:   Purchased myself about a year ago.  Reviewing this book solely because my son and I like it and I think you and your children will enjoy it, too.

FTC Disclosures:  Some of the links in the post above are Amazon affiliate links. If you click on the link and purchase the book, I will receive an affiliate commission at no additional cost to you.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”



  1. David Derrick

    Thanks for the nice post and comments- I’m the author and illustrator of Sid. Thought you might like to know that there is a sequel in the works for Sid.


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