The Legend of Dust Bunnies: A Fairy’s Tale by Michelle R. Eastman and Illustrated by Kevin Richter

[I received a review copy of this book from the author.  No other compensation was received.]

The Legend of Dust Bunnies is a refreshingly lighthearted, sweet, and funny story about a very important and serious topic for everyone:  Being Yourself.

The Legend of Dust Bunnies will open your eyes to a world of dirt and dust that you never knew could be so magical and fun! Did you know that dust fairies come into our homes at night and spread dust, spider webs, and even spit crumbs into the carpet?  They do!  It’s true!  (Those little so-and-so’s.)  Well, not all fairies.  There is one fairy, Artie, that is a little quieter and doesn’t particularly fit in with this group of dust fairies.  At first, Artie is lonely and unsure of what to do, but then he decides that he’s going to take matters into his own hands.  The Legend of Dust Bunnies is his delightful story about the how and why he turns dust into (super-cute and cuddly) dust bunnies and the joyful aftermath that follows.

Reading this book with my son is a joy!  He thinks it is great fun and enjoys the dust fairies doing what dust fairies do best — making dust!  He is enamored with Artie’s creativity.  He loves the cartoon-like and animated quality of the illustrations and the rhyming and rhythmical narration.  (Almost verbatim he said, “I love that the pictures look like a cartoon!” -and- “Oooh, I love that it rhymes!”)  He has me read it to him again and again!  He has now declared himself to be a great defender of dust bunnies everywhere!

It’s a win!

The Legend of Dust Bunnies:  A Fairy’s Tale.  Eastman, Michelle R. and illustrated by Richter, Kevin. Ages 3 – 8. Michelle Eastman Books, Inc. September 2014. 48 pages. ISBN:  978-0991624478. Fiction.

Where to Get it:

You Should Read The Legend of Dust Bunnies:  A Fairy’s Tale because:

  • When given lemons you’re supposed to make lemonade, right? This story does one better, it turns DUST into DUST BUNNIES.
  • It’s an ingenious story about the creation of dust bunnies.  You’ll never quite look at them the same way again.
  • For example, before reading — dust bunnies are a symbol of dirt and chores.  After reading — dust bunnies are a symbol of hope, resourcefulness, friendship, and cherished objects.  This is a significant improvement in one’s perspective about dirt and dust bunnies.
  • It is a great tale about being an individual, turning a tough situation into a good one, being resourceful, and learning to be a part of a group on your own terms  —  and all this is beautifully done in a fun and lighthearted way.
  • It is easily enjoyed by boys and girls.  It is not a run-of-the-mill fairy book.  The illustrations give the story a very inclusive feel so that it is appealing to everyone that reads it.
  • There is personal struggle, but no one behaves badly (excepting spreading dust and crumbs, but really that’s very mild) and no one says anything unpleasant.  It’s a safe book for sensitive readers — actually — it is a great book for sensitive readers.
  • The tale is told in clever rhyme with a lyrical and bouncing rhythm to it.  It’s a joy to read over and over again. (Believe me, your children will insist that you will!)
  • The animated illustrations and bouncing rhythm make this a great book to read with all children.  It is an unassuming book to read to a child that is having a difficult time finding their own identity.  For those having a hard time, reading this book is like getting a smile or a hug from someone you love — instead of a lecture or sermon.
  • Overall, it is simply a great story that is fun and imaginative.

Author/Illustrator Websites:

A Few More Things:

1) You are invited to sign up for a  Goodreads Giveaway for a free copy of The Legend of Dust Bunnies.

2) For the month of NOVEMBER, anyone who leaves a comment, on the author’s post HERE, sharing a a favorite picture book memory or quote, will be entered to win a copy of her book.  She will also donate a copy to a local children’s charity.

3) The author Michelle R. Eastman created the “Dust Bunny Rescue Club” to raise funds for her local animal shelter. The Animal Rescue League of Iowa is hosting her very first book signing event, on November 13. She’ll be donating 100% of the $5 dust bunny adoption fee to the ARL as well. The winner of the WordPress drawing will receive a copy of her book and an adorable dust bunny, complete with adoption certificate and pet carrier.

More Reviews of this Book:

Where Obtained:  I received a review copy from the author. (But this is the kind of book I’d adore anyway.) No other compensation was received — except for a dust bunny and adoption certificate, which is fun.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


  1. Pingback: The Legend of Dust Bunnies: A Fairy’s Tale by Michelle R. Eastman and Illustrated by Kevin Richter | Michelle Eastman Books

    • I was so happy to see fairies presented in a new way. There are actually a few things in the book that defy stereotypical gender norms — but it is subtle/not preachy. The more I think about this book, the more impressed I am with it. Thank you so much for reading and for the comment! I really appreciate it.

      Liked by 1 person

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